Lifting table - SL2

  •  Lifting table type SL2 equipped with safety reinforced PVC skirt, in high position
  • Lifting table type SL2 equipped with safety reinforced PVC skirt, in high position
  • Table élévatrice SL2 en position repliée
  • Table élévatrice SL2 en position déployée avec support unité hydraulique
  • Détail cale de sécurité rabattable
  • Galvanized lifting table type SL2 in high position
  • Mobile version of the lifting table type SL2, manual movement with a push bar and an hydraulic pump with lever.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   
  • Détail des articulations extrémité tige de vérin
  • Détail articulations pied de vérins avec tuyautage sur clapet antiretour hydraulique à pilotage électrique
  •  Lifting table type SL2 equipped with safety reinforced PVC skirt, in high position

The lifting table type SL2 is designed to fit various applications.

  • Capacity  from 500 to 2000 daN,
  • Vertical lifting up to 2500 mm,
  •  Large choice of dimensions easily modifiable,
  • Various specific equipments.

Technical informations :

    Visit our websites
    Plate-formes elevatrices - Monte-charge - Table elevatrice - Mesa elevadora - Lift tables
    ATLAS LIFT - Fabricant de tables élévatrives - ATLAS LIFT - lift table manufacturer - ATLAS LIFT - Fabricante de mesa elevadora